Beginning played with light overdrive and delay, neck pickup position, guitar tuned down 1/2 step.
|--12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\\\\\\\pick scrape\\\\|
V Played rapidly V V Fading out V
|--14*(Trem dive)------------------------------------14~~~------------------------------|
V 1/2 step bends
|----------------------------------------------17--19--20~~---17---19--17--15(Trem dive then return)-|
|-------------------------15~~--15--13-12-----------------------------13---13~~~---13*(Trem dive)----|
|-----------------------------------------------14--12*(Trem dive)-----------------------------------|
V 1/2 step bend (Fades out playing around on G pentatonic box)
~ = Vibrato
^ = bend
* = Palm Harmonic
/ = slide up
\ = slide down
x = muted string
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