E maj A maj
Middle |---0--- |-------
Index |---0--- Middle |---2---
|------- Index |---2---
Thumb |---2--- Thumb |---2---
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opening riff
E {This is the E used throughout body of song}
Break {use palm muting where necessary}
E maj A maj
{organ plays all cords
{guitar only plays cords that are not bracketed
+++ Spronston Green +++
E (A) E (A) E (A) E (A)
This one knows, she comes and goes. And when she goes, she goes.
E (A) E (A) E (A) E (A)
This one knows, she comes and goes. And when she goes, she goes.
E (A) E (A) E (A) E (A)
Spronston green she used to pace me, but now she hasn't got the time.
E (A) E (A) E (A) E (A)
I know I'm to necessary. Everything she stole was mine . . .
You got outa this one. I've got no one.
She knows she's buying something bought.
también juega ..