m : palm mute
^ : (release) bend; target fret in brackets
~ : vibrato
t : tremolo; target fret in brackets
h : hammer-on
p : pull-off
sl. : slide
w/ : with
Rhy.Fig.1 end Rhy.Fig.1
m m m m m
e -----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------------------|
h -----------------|-----------------|-------7---------|------------------|
g -----7-----9-----|-----------------|-7---9-7-9-------|------------------|
d -----7-7-7-9-9-9_|_9---9-----9---9-|-7-------7-7-7-9_|_9---9--777-7-9-7-|
a -5---5-5-5-7-7-9_|_7---9-9-9-9-9-9-|-----------7-7-9_|_9---9--777-7-9-7-|
E ---------------7_|_7---7-7-7-7-7-7-|-----------------|------------------|
D5 B5 E5 G5
e ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
h ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
g ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
d ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
a -5t(4)t5---------------7---7h9-7-------5t(4)t5-----------------5-7^(9)^7-5-
E ---------7--------0----------------------------7-----------5h7-------------
D5 B5 E5 G5
e -------------------------------------------------------------------------
b -------------------------------------------------------------------------
g -------------------------------------------------------------------------
d ---------------------------------------------------------------4h5p4-----
a -5t(4)t5---------------7---7h9-7-------5t(4)t5-------------5h7-------7p5-
E ---------7--------0----------------------------7-------------------------
D5 E5 G5 D5 E5
e -------------------------------------------------------------------------
h -------------------------------------------------------------------------
g -------------------------------------------------------------------------
d -4h5---4----------------------------------4h5p4-----5h7---5----4^(5)^4---
a -----------7h9---7-----5t(4)t5--------5h7-------7p5----------------------
E -------------------------------7---------------------------------------7-
e -----------------------------------------------|
h ---------------------7---------------7---------|
g -------------7---7-9-7-9-7---7---7-9-7-9-7-----|
d -------------7---7-9---9-7-9-7---7-9---9-7-9-7-|
a 5^(7)-5~~------------------9---------------9-7-|
E -----------------------------------------------|
1. Verse:
w/Rhy.Fig.1 (2 times w/slight variations at the 4th bar)
Yeah! I wake up beaten, wrappen around the T.V., strange I was in bed when I slept
And the tooth-paste's weird 'coz when I try to talk I blow a bubble instead
m m m m m m m
e -----------------|---------------------|-----------------|-------------------|
h ---------------7_|_7-7-----------------|-----------------|-------------------|
g -----9-----9---9_|_9-9-----------------|-----9-----------|-------------------|
d -----9-9-9-9-9-9_|_9-9-9-9-------------|-----9-9-9-------|---5---------------|
a -----7-7-7-7-7---|---7-7-7-7h9p7-------|-----7-7-7-------|---5---5-7p5---8p5-|
E -0---------------|---------------7h9p7-|-0---------0-2-3_|_3-----------------|
I got one shoe on and the other one's gone and my head's in the box full of bread
w/Rhy.Fig.1 (w/slight variations at the 4th bar)
Yeah! I know I've been tricked and I hate to admit, I should've stayed in bed!
Fill 1 end Fill 1
| D5 E5
| e -----------------|-----------------|
| h -------5---------|-------7---------|
| g -----7-------7---|-----9-------9---|
| d ---7-------------|---9-------------|
| a -5---------------|-7---------------|
| E -----------------|-----------------|
But I'll grit my teeth and take it
D5 B5
'Coz it's a day of wrong moves
E5 G5
I just know I've been chosen to a day of wrong moves
D5 B5
On a day of wrong moves
E5 G5
A bad morning has broken to a day of wrong moves
2. Verse:
And my feet walk out from under my brain like a high-wire artist I fall
I keep forget that I'm a neighbourhood threat, God's not polite at all
These days come without a warning, there must be a sign on my roof
It took a while just to see that someone's pickin' on me and try to burn my fuse
But I grit my teeth and take it
Hey! It's a day of wrong moves
I just know I've been chosen
To a day of wrong moves
Yeah! A day of wrong moves
A bad mornin' has broken
To a day of wrong moves
D5 E5
I'm 6 feet tall with 20 movable parts
On a day of wrong moves
D5 E5
And sometimes they mess up and this is how it starts
On a day of wrong moves
Yeah! Turn the radio on and up!!
B5 D5 E5 B5
e -----------------------------------------------------------------
h -----------10--------------7---------------7---------------------
g ------------9^(11)(11)-9---7-7-------7---9---9-----7-------------
d -7p9-------------------------9-----------------------9-7-9-------
a -----------------------------------------------------------------
E -----------------------------------------------------------------
D5 E5 B5
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------
h ---7--------------------------------------------10-----------12---------
g -----7-7^(9)-7--------------7------------9^(11)------11^(13)----11------
d -9-------------9-9~------7-9---9-9~-------------------------------------
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------------------------------
A5 B5 A5 B5
e -------------------------------------------------------
h ---------7-10-10^(12)------(12)^10-7---7-------7-------
g -------------------------------------9---9-7-----------
d ---------------------------------------------9---------
a -------------------------------------------------------
E -------------------------------------------------------
D5 A5 B5 E5 A5 B5 D5
e ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
h ----------------sl.------------sl.---sl.------------------------------------
g -7---7-7---6---7/-11------7---7/9---9-\7------------------7---9p7-9^(11)----
d -9---9-9---9---9/-12---------------------9-7---5~~~-------7-----------------
a ----------------sl.---------------------------------------------------------
E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
e --------7-------------------------------|
h --------------------10------------------|
g -9^(11)---(11)^9--------9p7---7~~-------|
d ----------------------------9-7~~-------|
a ----------------------------------------|
E ----------------------------------------|
w/Rhy.Fig.1 (4 times the first two bars only)
Hey!! I'm gonna call up work and say I'm dead!
That's a wrong move
Turn on the T.V. and forget
But that's a wrong move
Call up the cops and confess
No that's a wrong move
'Coz I'm out on the wrong side of the bed!
Hey, that's a wrong move
(you can play Fill 1 now, too)
D5 E5
But whatever I do I have to make it through
A day of wrong moves
I just know I've been chosen
To a day of wrong moves
Yeah, a day of wrong moves
A bad mornin' has broken
To a day of wrong moves
Hey! I'm 6 feet tall with 20 movable parts
On a day of wrong moves
And sometimes they mess up and this is how it starts
On a day of
(instruments quiet)
On a day of wrong moves YEAH!
B5 A5 B5\
también juega ..