/ = Slide Up
\ = Slide Down
x = Palm Mute
h = Hammer On
p = Pull Off
Intro> B B F# C#m-- G#
d u d u d u dud u
E E E B F#--------------------|F#
-|------------/7-7-x7---7\------2-2-x2x2-2------------| make the E chord
-|-----------/-8-8-x8---7-\-----2-2-x2x2-2------------| at the beginning
-|----------/--9-9-x9---8--\----3-3-x3x3-3------------| of the slide,
-|---------/---9-9-x9---9---\---4-4-x4x4-4------------| and slide it up
-|-----4--/----7-7-x7---9----\--4-4-x4x4-4------------| listen to song
-|-4-7---/-----7-7-x7-7-7-----\-2-2-x2x2-2------------| for a reference.
slide^ d du d d d dudu d
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