pm=palm mute
hv=horizontal vibrato
ah=artificial harmonic
()=ring out
Riff 1a:(Clean Vocals)
Riff 1bx1:
Fill 1:If I had to pick one thing In here that could be wrong this would be
It . It sounds alot like It but who knows ???
pm .... ....
Riff 2 X2: The whole thing is really just an F# minor chord . The first
three notes are arpeggiated quickly ...
Riff 2x2:Samoth-Tremelo picked of course...
Fill 2 X4:Ihsahn
Fill 2:Samoth
Riff 3:Samoth It's played very fast with the right hand with a funny little
groove to your left hand movement . IMO .
pm.. .. .. ..
Riff 3:Ihsahn , slide and then bend all of theses
Riff 4x2: Do a downwards sweep on here and mute it immediatly after . This
could be an effect on 2 guitars , but who cares ??
pm ... . ... . ... . ...
Then back to 3 and 4 again ...
Fill 3:
Riff 5:This is a tricky one but I assure you It's all correct
pm . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Riff 6:
también juega ..