Frets all relative to CAPO.
Opening Riff:
(There is also a thin part for a second guitar here, but it is to small to worry
about tabbing, besides, can't play them both at once!)
(First bar of intro is used as a fill at end of first line in chorus)
end of the verse:
Repeat as necessary
"I'm wearing the same grin...."
PM |------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Pre-Chorus and Chorus: (Keyboard is added in chorus)
Repeat as necesary.
Mix up the strumming as you desire, I'm too lazy to tab out a pattern.
"Well I have a physcic...."
Twice with just bass.
"Well it's alright now...."
Gradually crescendo into full, un-muted open chords. (Em - C - G - D)
PM |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
también juega ..