----------------------------------------------- X3
-----------------3---0----- ---0---------------
Play throughout song:
(A) ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > >
(B) --(0)--(0)--(0)--(0)----------------------------------------
(C) ----------------------------------
You think you'll come over
I'll give you my number
You lover, supporter
Then give me a mother
You come take me home and
Take me to your doctor
You think you'll come over?
I think I'm a mother
(B), (A)
Roll over, roll over
And roll me a man-a
You lover, my lover
You just roll me over
You give me a mother
A man if I love her
I love her, I'll keep her
I better just keep her
(B), (C), (B), (A)
Come and support her
I said to the mother
She said you come over
She said she'd support her
I love her, I kept her
And then just left and
Alone I emplore ya
I think I'm a mother
también juega ..