Tune down 2 ½ steps
=tremble pick
p=pull off
Intro a
__ __ __ __ __ __
Intro a
Intro b
riff 1
__ _ __ _ __ _
Riff 2 a x2 Riff 2 b x2
Intro riff
Riff 3 x8
__ ___
Riff 4 x4
Riff 4 (Guitar 1)
__ __ __ __
Riff 4 (Guitar 2)
__ __ __ __
Play Riff 4 two times then play
It again without palmutes and
Tremblo pick notes
Riff 1
Riff 2 a/b
Riff 4
End with
tambiιn juega ..