Dropped-D Tuning
There are a lot of little fills here and there that I didn't get to.
Intro/Main Verse Fill at end
E |---------------------------------------------------------|-------------
B |---------------------------------------------------------|-------------
G |.-------------------------------------------------------.|-------------
D |.----------------------------1--------------------------.|-------------
A |--0-0-0---0---0-0-0-0--0-0---1----0-0-0-0---0---0-0-0----|--3-5--------
D |--0-0-0---0---0-0-0-0--0-0---1----0-0-0-0---0---0-0-0----|--3-5--------
x x
Riff 2 Fill
E |-------------------------------------------------------|--------------
B |-------------------------------------------------------|--------------
G |.-----------------------------------------------------.|--------------
D |.-----0-3--------------------1--------0-3-------------.|--------------
A |-----------3p2--0-0-0-0--0-0-1-------------3p2--0-0-0--|--3-0-5/6-----
D |--0-0-----------0-0-0-0--0-0-1----0-0-----------0-0-0--|--3-0-5/6-----
x x x x x x
B5 B5 B5 B5 B5
Give me what I know
B5 B5 B5 B5
Fill this e- go
E5 G5 A5
There's a rusty halo on my head
E5 G5 B5
It must've been something that I said
E5 G5 A5
This is the dome of my betrayal
E5 G5 B5
This is the final broken nail
A5 C5 B5 A#5
Fill this hole suck this soul
A5 C5 B5 A#5
I'm the thing that I can't control
E5 D5 B5
Press my flesh
High Riff during "Press my flesh..."
E -----------------------------
B -----------------------------
G --9-9-9-9-9---7-7-7-7---7/9--
D -----------------------------
A -----------------------------
D -----------------------------
After chorus (really fast)
E |--------------------------------------|------
B |--------------------------------------|------
G |.------------------------------------.|------
D |.------------------------------------.|--1---
A |--0h3--6p5--3/5-----------------------|--1---
D |--0h3--6p5--3/5--000--0-0--000000000--|--1---
palm mute= x Chords for chorus:
slide= / or \ D5 00xxxx
string bend= ^ E5 22xxxx
hammer-on= 5h7 A5 777xxx or x022xx
pull-off= 6hp A#5 888xxx or x133xx
trill/vibrato= ~ B5 999xxx or x244xx
C5 10-10-10xxx or x355xx
también juega ..