h=hammer on
p=pull off
guitar parts:
this part is played in the begining
E |------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |--8-----8------------------------------------------8----8---------------|
G |--7-----7h9h7--------------------------------------7----7h9p7-----------|
D |--------------9p7----------------------------------------------9p7------|
A |-------------------10--7--10--7--10-----5h7-5v----------------------10--|
E |------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
B |----------------------------8----8-------------------------------|
G |----------------------------7----7h9p7---------------------------|
D |---------------------------------------9p7-----------------------|
A |--7-10s12--7--10---5h7-5v-------------------10--7--10s12--7--10--|
E |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-----------------------3-----3---3-----3--|
B |-----------------------3-----3---3-----3--| then go
G |-----------------------0--x--0---0--x--0--| to the
D |--7--------------------0--x--0---0--x--0--| verse part
A |--------10s12---5------2--x--2---2--x--2--|
E |-----------------------3--x--3---3--x--3--|
this part i'm sure is a C to G progression, but i'm not sure how he
hammers on and pulls off notes, this is close enought though
E |--0----0--0--0--3--3-x--3--3--3--3--|
B |--3p1--1--0--1--1--3-x--3--3--3--3--|
G |--0----0--0--0--0--0-x--0--0--0--0--|
D |--2----2--2--2--2--0-x--0--0--0--0--|
A |--3----3--3--3-----2-x--2--2--2--2--|
E |-------------------3-x--3--3--3--3--|
that is basically the verse, he does some other improvisational stuff
which is just going into scales (i believe the G-scale) and goes a bit
this is the best i could come up with..........
when you get to the D-chord in this progression, work with the hammering
on and pulling off to get the real effect of the song.
E |--3---3-3---3-3p2--2--2--2-3p2--2-2-2--|
B |--3---3-3---3-3----3--3--3-3----3-3-3--|
G |--0-x-0-2---2-2----2--2--2-2----2-2-2--|
D |--0-x-2-0---0-0----0--0--0-0----0-0-0--|
A |--2-x-3-0---0-0----0--0--0-0----0-0-0--|
E |--3-x-0--------------------------------|
then after the chorus, it goes back to the verse
at the end of the song just go back to the first part of the song
that is basically it (that is my best try)
oh......if you want to use two guitars but can't both play the song, you
could do one of two things:
1)when the lead guitarist is playing you could strum the whole chord while
he is playing (with a lower volume) to give a fuller effect.
2) (my personal choice) You could solo over the song, which sounds very cool.
But you might be saying to yourself, i don't know what scale? Well i'll tell
you which scale, use the G-scale.
this ins't the entire G-scale, just the part that i like to use for the song
también juega ..