Sounds like a steel bodied 6 string acoustic or a hollow bodied electric - finger picking.
I am using each dash (-) in the "staff" as a 16th note (4 dashes per beat). If you tap your finger to the beat, each down stroke of your finger would be a pluck and each time your finger hit the top would be a pluck (except of course for the hammer-ons in the first four bars and the pull-offs in the second four which are 16th notes and fit inbetween). That's what the
| | is supposed to help denote. The first | is the pluck on the beat (finger hitting table when tapping the beat) and the second | is the pluck on the off beat (finger hitting top).
Tablaturas guitarra de ORTON BETH Carmella Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras