C C G Bb Bb F F F F
e -----(3)-------(1) -----------
B --5-5(3)--3--3-(1) -----------
G --5-5-4---3--3--2- -----------
D --5-5-5---3--3--3- 3-3-3------
A --3-3-5---1--1--3- 3-3-3------
E ------3---------1- 1-1-1------
Keep playing this until 28 seconds in and then stop
doing the palm muting bit at the end and just carry
on until 41 seconds in and play this twice:
and then:
C Dm F G
e ---------1-3---
B ---5-6---1-3---
G ---5-7---2-4---
D ---5-7---3-5---
A ---3-5---3-5---
E ---------1-3---
Then at 60 secs play this 3 times:
C C Dm F F G
e -----------1-1-3---
B ---5-5-6---1-1-3---
G ---5-5-7---2-2-4---
D ---5-5-7---3-3-5---
A ---3-3-5---3-3-5---
E -----------1-1-3---
the at 68 secs a Solo type bit plays:
e ------------------------------------------------
B ------------------------------------------------
G ----7^-5~---7^-5----------5-7--5----5-5^---5---
D ----------------------5-7----------------7------
A ------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------
Then back to this:
C C G Bb Bb F
e -----(3)-------(1)
B --5-5(3)--3--3-(1)
G --5-5-4---3--3--2-
D --5-5-5---3--3--3-
A --3-3-5---1--1--3-
E ------3---------1-
Then at 93 secs:
C Dm F G
e ---------1-3---
B ---5-6---1-3---
G ---5-7---2-4---
D ---5-7---3-5---
A ---3-5---3-5---
E ---------1-3---
THen Back to:
C C Dm F F G
e -----------1-1-3---
B ---5-5-6---1-1-3---
G ---5-5-7---2-2-4---
D ---5-5-7---3-3-5---
A ---3-3-5---3-3-5---
E -----------1-1-3---
Then at 124 secs:
Am F C G
e ---5----------------------|---------- x2
B ---5----------------------|-5--------
G ---5----------------------|-5--------
D ---7--------------333333--|-5-5------
A ---7--5-3---------333333--|-3-5------
E ---5------5-3-0---111111--|---3------
e ----------------17-------------------------------------
B -------------------20-17----------17-------------------
G --19^-19^-19-17----------19-17-19----------------------
D -------------------------------------19-17(pick fast)--
A -------------------------------------------------------
E -------------------------------------------------------
e -------------------------------------------------------
B -----------------------------------17h20p17------------
G --------17-------17^-17^-17^-17h19----------19^-19^-17-
D --17-19----17-19---------------------------------------
A -------------------------------------------------------
E -------------------------------------------------------
e -------------------------------------------------------
B -------------------------------------------------------
G --17---------------------------------------------------
D -----20-19---------------------------------------------
A -----------20-19-20-17----17---------------------------
E -----------------------20----20-19-17------------------
C Dm F G
e ---------1-3---
B ---5-6---1-3---
G ---5-7---2-4---
D ---5-7---3-5---
A ---3-5---3-5---
E ---------1-3---
Until the end! This took me ages to figure out and i
cut my fecking finger on the B string in the process!
también juega ..