riff A
end riff A
2x on its own
2x with backing
riff B
end riff B
riff C
end riff C
riff D
end riff D
riff C
Verse - with slight alterations
riff C
riff A x2
riff B
riff C
riff D
riff C
riff E
end riff E
riffs A, B, C and D with 2nd guitar wah solo
guide to the tab used
----5h7---- play the 5th fret, then hammer-on to the 7th
----7p5---- play the 7th fret, then pull-off to the 5th
---5h7p5--- play the 5th fret, then hammer-on to the 7th and pull
off to the 5th, without restriking the string
---5-/7---- play the 5th fret, then slide up to the 7th
---7-\5---- play the 7th fret, then slide down to the 5th
----5b----- play the 5th fret, then bend the string
---5b-r5--- play the 5th fret, then bend up, then release back
down to the 5th
---5~~~~--- play the 5th fret with vibrato
---5b~~~--- play the 5th fret, bend up and apply vibrato
----X------ play the string with a left hand mute
note for string bends: I have not included destination frets for the
bends in the tab, as it would make it
difficult to read. If you feel the inclusion
of the pitch of the bends would benefit the
tab then I may include them at a later date.
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