h hammer on
p pull off
~ vibrato
/ slide up
\ slide down
C# tuning (every string 1.5 steps down)
Intro solo Tremolo the bracketed notes
riff 1 riff 2 1:34
() note played in verse
Riff 1 is played under the intro solo, then played in a muted version with the extra note
during the verse. The chords in riff 2 are repeated numerous times throughout the song,
just in different rhythms and muted/unmuted, so pay attention. Example: The muted riff
at 2:12.
riff 3 2:36 riff 4 2:43
Riff 3 also arises a few different times, just pay attention for when.
riff 5 2:57 riff 6 3:45
At 3:31, they play riff 5 but with a muted rhythm.
riff 7 (heavily muted) 3:59
riff 8 4:55
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