(The FWY version is either a 1/2 step up or down, i can't remember,
this one is in the key of Fm)
the chords:
Verse Chorus
Fm Bbm C Bbm7 Eb Ab Bbm* C Fm*
e --x-- --6-- --x-- --6-- --x-- --x-- --9-- --8-- --8--
B --9-- --6-- --8-- --6-- --6-- --9-- -11-- --8-- --9--
G -10-- --6-- --9-- --6-- --8-- --8-- -10-- --9-- -10--
D -10-- --8-- -10-- --6-- --8-- -10-- -11-- -10-- -10--
A --8-- --8-- -10-- --x-- --8-- -11-- --x-- -10-- --8--
E --x-- --6-- --x-- --6-- --x-- --x-- --x-- --8-- --8--
i like to play the verse chords with as many fingers as i can. (does
that make any sense?) i think it allows for a more controled muting.
it also sounds good to barre them. of course it also sounds goo to playy
the bass part of the verses.
it goes like this:
Fm Bbm C Fm
repeat that a couple times
(words: [Fm]all night long on the broken glass
[Bbm]living in a medicine chest
[C]mediteromainian hotel back
[Fm]sprawled across a roll top desk.
the chorus is like this:
[Bbm7]sell me one of those if i shave my head
[Eb]get me out of town is what fire ball said
[Ab]never trust a man in a blue trench coat
[Ab]never drive a car when you're dead
[Bm*]Saturday's a festival, Friday's a gem
[C]dye your hair yellow and raise your hem
[Fm*]follow me to Beulah's on dry creek road
[Fm*]i just got to wear the dress that my baby done sowed
for the last two Fm chords, i like to play this:
(these are straight quarter notes)
Fm* Fm*
G|-10--10--9--9--8--8--7--7--|--6--6--5--5--4-- now solo over the verse
D|-10--10--9--9--8--8--7--7--|--6--6--5--5--4-- chords: Fm, Bbm, C, Fm
i guess that's about everything...
have fun jamming, this is a wonderful song to improvise over.
también juega ..