***Capo on first fret***
Shes his yellow brick road
SImLeading him on and
letting him go as
REmfar as she lets him go
LA SI RE REmGoing down to nowhere
She puts on her makeup
SIm REthe same way she did yesterday
REmhopin everythings the same
But everything has changed
***Heres the Chours***
LAIn my mind
Everything we did was right
MI LAOpen you eyes ill still be by your side
SIm REmHow could i ever have been so blind
You give me sumthin to sleep to
LA MI RE REmat night
He wakes up to the sound
so scared that shes leavin
he wishes she were still asleep next to him
hoping she will change...
ChorusRE REm
You give me something to sleep to
MI SIand all i know is
You give me something to dream to when im all alone and blue
RE REmDont leave me now
MI LAdont leave me now
(Part of the solo sounds slightly off, so if anyone can help me out here I'd appreciate it.
Listen to the song for the timing and you'll know what I mean.)
LAdont leave me now
SImdont leave me now
dont leave me now
dont leave me now
SImdont leave me now
RE MIdont leave me now
in my mind (*3)
Whoa Whoa Whoooaaaa
RE REmYou give me something to sleep to,
something to sleep to,
LAat night
Acordes Textos BRANCH MICHELLE Something To Sleep To. Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras