cambia el tono y el lenguaje | |||||||||||
B | C | C# | D | Eb | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | Bb |
SI | DO | DO# | RE | MIb | MI | FA | FA# | SOL | SOL# | LA | SIb |
Capo on 1st fret
Piano Riff x2
w/Piano Riff:
/ D - - - / Am - - - / Am - - - / Em - - - / (x2)
RE LAm(2) MIm
Lights go out and I can't be saved, tides that I tried to swim against
RE LAm (2) MImBrought me down upon my knees, oh I beg I beg and plead -singing
Come out of the things unsaid, shoot an apple off my head - and a
RE LAm (2) MImtrouble that can't be named, tigers waiting to be tamed - singing
w/Piano Riff:
RE LAm (2) MIm RE LAm (2) MImye hooooooooh aahh ye hooooooooh aahh
w/Piano Riff:
/ D - - - / Am - - - / Am - - - / Em - - - / (x2)
Confusion never stops, closing walls and ticking clocks - gonna
RE LAm (2) MImcome back and take you home, I could not stop the tune now known - singing
RE LAm (2) MImCome out upon my seas, curse missed opportunities - am I
a part of the cure, or am I a part of the disease? - singing
w/Piano Riff:
RE LAm (2) MIm RE LAm (2) MImye hooooooooh aahh ye hooooooooh aahh
w/High Piano Riff:
/ D - - - / Am - - - / Am - - - / Em - - - / (x2)
w/High Piano Riff:
RE LAm (2) MIm RE LAm (2) MImye hooooooooh aahh ye hooooooooh aahh
FAmaj7 (2) DO SOL
and nothing else compares
FAmaj7 (2) DO SOLoh nothing else compares
and nothing else compares
Piano Riff x2
w/High Piano Riff:
/ D - - - / Am - - - / Am - - - / Em - - - / (x2)
w/High Piano Riff:
ye hooooooooh aahh ye hooooooooh aahh
w/High Piano Riff:
Home, home, where I wanted to go
RE LAm (2) MImHome, home, where I wanted to go
RE LAm (2) MImHome, home, where I wanted to go
Home, home, where I wanted to go
High Piano Riff x2
End on D
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