Chords used:
SOL - 320033C - X32010 (can be played as Cadd9 - X32033, whichever sounds best to you)
Em - 022000 (can be played as Em7 - 022033
Intro SOL - DOadd9
There is some chanting of "Chan'eil mi nis nam aonar", which I'm told means "I am not
now", but I have no idea what language it is.
SOLStrong wind
DOStrong wind blowing
Dark clouds form
DOStorm is brewing
SOLThunder and lightning
Surrounds our shelter
SOL DOWe make love as the rains lash at our window
RE MImNow I remember
I'm not so lonely
Acordes Textos COLIN HAY Not So Lonely. Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras