Intro: strum a D chord for two bars
Raised on songs and stor-ies, heroes of renown
RE SOL RE LAAh, the passing tales and glor-ies that once was Dublin town
The hallowed halls and hous-es, the haunting childrens' rhymes
RE SOL LA REThat once was part of Dublin in the rare ould times
Ring a ring a ro-sey, as the light de-clines
RE SOL LA REI re-member Dublin city in the rare ould times
Tempo change
Well my name it is Sean Demp-sey, as Dublin as can be
Born hard and late in Pimli-co, in a house that ceased to be
(enter electric guitar)
RE SOL RE SOLBy trade I was a coo-per, lost out to redundan-cy
Like my house that fell to progress, my trade's a memo-ry
And I courted Peggy Dig-nam, as pretty as you please
RE SOL RE LAA rogue and child of Ma-ry, from the rebel Liberties
RE SOL RE SOLI lost her to a student chap, with skin as black as coal
When he took her off to Birmingham, she took away my soul
The years have made me bit-ter, the gargle dims me brain
RE SOL RE LACause Dublin keeps on chang-ing, and nothing seems the same
The Pillar and the Met have gone, the Royal long since pulled down
RE SOL LA REAs the grey unyielding concrete, makes a city of my town
(interlude, the chords are the same as the chorus ans a verse)
Fare thee well sweet Anna Li-ffey, I can no longer stay
RE SOL RE LAAnd watch the new glass ca-ges, that spring up along the quay
RE SOL RE SOLMy mind's too full of memo-ries, too old to hear new chimes
(slow here)
RE SOL LA REI'm a part of what was Dublin, in the rare ould times
(chorus 2x)
Acordes Textos FLOGGING MOLLY Rare Ould Times. Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras