Tune down 1/2 step
Intro LA LAm
I must've dreamed a thousand dreams
LA DObeen hunted by a million screams
RE MImbut I can hear the marching feet
they're moving into the street.
RE MImthere's too many men
too many people making too many problems
MIm7 RE MImand not much love to go round
MIm7 LA RE MIm7 REcan't you see this is a land of confusion
ChorusMIm7 DO RE SIm MIm
This is the world we live in
DO RE SImand these are the hands we're given
use them and let's start trying
MIm DO RE SIm LAto make it a place worth living in
DO#m FA#/DO# LAmaj7/DO# MI# SOL#m/MIb
I remember long ago
FA#/DO#oh when the sun was shining
LAmaj7/DO#yes and the stars were bright all through the night
and the sound of your laughter
DO#m FA# LAas I held you tight
DOso long ago...
Acordes Textos GENESIS Land Of Confusion. Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras