capotasto in 4° posizione
F* = G#|--0-0-------0--|
B |--3-3-2-0---2--|
MI LAm SOL SOLWon't you sing me the blues
MI LAm SOL SOLWon't you sing me the blues
Sing me something my heart
FA DO SOL DOcan use misery loves a symphony
Does your face your pretty face
DO SOL LA7 (322200)get lost in a crowd
And you say no one's there
DO SOL LA7 (322200)To hear you cry out loud
FAwhat will you do,
Suzie Blue
Where did you learn to do that so well
MI LAm SOL SOLWhere did you learn to do that so well
DO MI LAmI guess that would be like kiss and tell
If it's a secret, why did you show me
But your far away from the love
DO SOL LA7 (322200)you used to hold
SOL# SOLdon't sit and watch
your self grow old
FAThe day is new,
SOL DO MI LA7 (322200)Suzie Blue
The day is new,
SOL DOSuzie Blue
Real life has let you down
MI LAm SOL SOLReal life has let you down
Someone stripped the shoes from your ground
FA DO SOL DOEverybody is always somebody's something
Kissing from heaven in your arms
DO SOL LA7 (322200)And we'll make love to the memories
They will always see us new,
DO SOL LA7 (322200)Suzie Blue
FAThe day is new,
Suzie Blue
FAThe day is new,
SOL LA9Suzie Blue
Acordes Textos HARPER Ben Suzie Blue. Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras