Remember, now, be here now
RE DO#m SIm MIAs it's not like it was, before
The past, was, be here now
RE DO#m SIm MI LA DO# DO# SI LA SOL# LA MI MI LAAnd it's not what it was, before, it was
MI FA# SOL# LA SI-c# DO# SI LA SOL# LA MI MI LALA7 RE7 FA-5 LAWhy try to live a life, that isn't real, no how
LA7 RE7 FA-5 LAA mind that wants to wander, round a corner, is an unwise mind
Now, is, here now
RE DO#m SIm MIAnd it's not what it was, before
LA LA6 LAmaj7 LA LA(add SI)Remember, now, be here now
As it's not like it was, before, it was
MI FA# SOL# LA SI-c# DO# SI LA SOL# LA MI MI LAAcordes Textos HARRISON GEORGE Be Here Now. Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras