Chords used:
MI 022xxxMI5 0799xx
If I fell at your feet, would you ever notice me?
Hey baby would you just pass me by
If I were hurting, deep in the night,
DO# FA#Would you call and make everything all right?
SI LA MIHey baby would I have to ask you why.
Let me in mama and we'll take it real slow.
I'll show you things if you just let me go.
SI DO#I'll give you my money, give you my time…
MI5 SI LAI'll give you anything, to make you mine.
All I want is to keep you satisfied.
Acordes Textos IAN MOORE Satisfied. Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras