Samuel and Rosella, both were 82 years old
SOLmaj7 DOmaj7 SI7 MIm FA#sharing an umbrella, slowly down the street they strolled
SOLmaj7 DOmaj7 SI7 LA7and all around the world was changing in a manner of ways ranging
from dialect to fashion, the state of affairs
absolutely clashin' with the world that was theirs
"I don't understand these kids today," said Rose.
SOLmaj7 DOmaj7 SI7 MIm FA#"Yeah," responded Sam, "Take a look at this boy's clothes."
SOLmaj7 DOmaj7 SI7 LA7The young man exiting Hot Topic made them feel so misanthropic.
Samuel and Rosella didn't like the way he dressed.
They closed their umbrella and rammed it through his chest.
Samuel and Rosella
DOm7 SOLthey hate your generation
RE7....with such determination
Samuel and Rosella
DOm7 SOLthey are disgusted, knowing
SI7 DO7how wrong this world is going
a fact they don't mind showing
B C D B7(bass D#)
in fact right now they're blowing up the local mall
MIm RE SI DO SOLand off they hobble, drunk on Geritol
DO RE SOL SIAcordes Textos LEMON DEMON Samuel And Rosella. Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras