Capo 2nd fret
Intro:Cm G Cm G B7 (descending notes G, F#, E)
MIm LA7As young boy Michael helped his mother cook
MIm SI7Down by her apron strings the whole day long
Knife in hand her eyes trained on the recipe book
DO REHe'd salivate as she sang out this song
Cut the onions, start the dicing,
RE SOLListen up Mike, it's the right thing
SOL DOChop the parsnip, for a rich dish,
In the small pond you'll be a big fish
DOm SOL (B7)In the small pond you'll be a big fish
When in college our lad made some special friends
Kept him from subversives and their kind
Swirled within a world of sports and dividends
And the song they sang was etched apon his mind
Cut the hair off the hippies sleeping
Listen up Mike, it's the right thing
Chop the fringes, off the freakish
In the small pond you'll be a big fish
In the small pond you'll be a big fish
35 a burning drive possessed him
To be the greatest golfer in North Bay
Sometimes a fear of failure near obsessed him
And then he'd hear the other golfers say
Cut the motion on your back swing
Listen up Mike, it's the right thing
Chop the golf ball with a big swish
In the small pond you'll be a big fish
In the small pond you'll be a big fish
Now he's breaking bread with heads of industry
The Capitan in the Autumn of his years
He proceeds with masionical rapidity
When he echos mothers words he hears the cheers
Cut the welfare and public housing
Listen up Mike it's the right thing
Chop the healthcare, you'll get your wish
In the small pond you'll be a big fish (everyone!)
Cut the child care and the schooling
Listen up Mike it's the Right Wing
Chop the free lunch for the poorish
In the small pond you'll be a big fish
In the small pond you'll be a big fish
In the small pond you'll be a big fish!
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