there is one chord of which i'm not sure of the name(i think its B7) but its played
like this:
MI--2--i'll refer to it as B7 in the song
introSOL DO RE
verse 1:
SOL DO RE DO7so far its no doubt things are working out.
SOL DO RE DObetween us we can cover every face.
you're cute, i'm not. i'm sharp, you've got
SOL RE DO REa certain way of spilling all over the place.
DO RE SOL MI DObut you just keep me warm and i'll fill out that form.
RE SOL MI DOand when they kick me out again, tell them to let me back in.
D G f# e(let ring)
look nice and they wont think twice about it.
DO REmaybe because there's no stopping us
chorusSOL DO SOL MIwith my brains, your looks; your bait, my hooks.
SOL RE DO REwe could catch a thousand gravy trains.
it would be bad if all we had
SOL RE DO SOLwas my looks and your brains
SOL DO REverse 2:
so hold my hand just like we planed
SOL DO RE DOso you won't get lost and i wont get thrown out.
SOL DO RE DO7if they get wise, just flash those eyes
and i will give them something to get wise about.
you just make your splash and i'll supply the cash
RE SOL MI DOwhen some comes in. it's looking kinda thin
D G f# e(let ring)
and glum, but some will come along.
we'll be glad we stayed, cause we'll have it made
choruswith your looks, my brains; your tracks my trains.
SOL RE DO REwe're rewriting all the record books.
SOL DO SOL MIjust study the floor-plan, and be glad we've got more than
your brains and my looks.
i wonder if, under pressure, we could make it on our own.
MI SI7 DO SOL REcould we stand it empty handed and stranded and all alone?
DO RE SOL MI DObut lets not find out what that would be about.
RE SOL MI DOi'll stick with you; you let yourself be stuck too.
D G f# e(let ring)
you and me would have a le-ga-cy that we
DO REcould pass on to our kids. they could get lucky
chorusSOL DO SOL MIwith my brains,your looks; your knights, my rooks.
SOL RE DO REthey could really win alot of games.
but just think, what if they end up with
SOL DOmy looks and your
SOL DOmy looks and your
with my looks and your brains.
last chords:
Acordes Textos MR T EXPERIENCE With My Brains And Your Looks. Skitarrate para reproducir tu mùsica, estudiar escalas, posiciones para la guitarra, buscar, gestionar, solicitar y enviar acordes, letras y partituras