F# D# F# B F# C# Use these chords in this
E--------------------------- order in all of the
B--------------------------- verses.
G---11---8-------4-------6-- <-------------------------
E------------2-------2------ (x2)
F# D# F#(muffled)
i need the kind of girl that knows Verse #1
SI FA# DO#a girl that likes to wear my clothes
F# D# F#(muffled)
someone who always buys me coke
SI FA# DO#a girl that laughs at all my jokes
FA# MIb SIb SI DO# FA# SIb SIE------------------------------------
FA# MIbthat's the girl that i want to see Chorus
SIb SIfall in love with me
that's the girl that i long to know
SIb SIoh how i love her so
(Same as verse #1)
i'm looking for a girl that writes me songs Verse #2
and talks to Jesus all day long
and the way she does her hair
no one else can compare
Back To Chorus:
F# D# F#(muffled)
probably meet her at a show Verse #3
SI FA# DO#when i look at her i'll know
F# D# F#(muffled)
that shes the perfect one for me
SI FA# DO#and with her i will always be
FA# MIb SI DO# (x4)the one for me
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