I followed her around,
DOI was quite naive.
FA(add9)Holes in my soul,
I wore my heart upon my sleeve.
FADown that winding country road,
LAmDespite the stories I'd been told.
Now I don't go into town,
DOSince I followed her around.
I stood and watched in disbelief,
DOFrom the shadows of my grief.
She wore lipstick black as coal,
DOAnd her boots up to her knees.
FAHow could I even speak my mind,
All the boys were making time.
FAI bowed my head without a sound,
DOSince I followed her around.
Everybody's got a hunger,
And a seed they gotta sow.
SOLI should have listened to my mother,
FA LAm REWhen she cried 'no, child no.
Son get your feet back on the ground,
DODon't go follow her around'.
I watched her from afar,
DOThat pretty flower in mid bloom.
FA(add9)Oh how that girl could work a bar,
As she waltzed around the room.
FAI couldn't take it anymore,
LAmTried to get her out the door.
One more time she shot me down,
DOSince I followed her around.
Everybody's got a hunger,
FA DOAnd a seed they gotta sow.
SOLI should have listened to my mother,
When she cried 'no, child no.
FASon get your feet back on the ground,
DODon't go follow her around'.
Now I'm old and wise,
DOStill got that sparkle in my eyes.
FA(add9)All my kids have come and gone,
All except my youngest son.
FAIt was just the other day,
LAmI swore I heard him say:
Dad I'm heading in to town...
DOI think he follows her around.
FADad I'm heading in to town...
I think he follows her around.
FADad I'm rolling in to town...
SOL SIb DOI think he follows her around.
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